Millions of young, experienced, and passionate professionals are taking the plunge into the unknown territory of running their own enterprises, some have kicked off and some are still gearing up.

SimplyHR in the last 5 years has had the opportunity to closely interact and work with such dreamers, innovators, and leaders who have decided to go for the kill.

With SimplyFest we intend to take this to the next level. We are bringing together a bunch of inspiring storytellers in a space that is infused with curated music, theatre, and art to share their heard/unheard stories with our entrepreneurial mavericks.


Rajneesh Singh,

Managing Partner, SimplyHR

Co-founder, SimplyFest

Abhinav Rajput,

Partner & Co-Founder, Beam & Words

Co-founder, SimplyFest

Sahil Seth,

Marketing Consultant

Co-founder, SimplyFest

Mukesh Marwah,

Founder, PixelVJ

Co-founder, SimplyFest